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Santane is pleased to announce that it has joined Decom North Sea as a Corporate Member.

Decom North Sea
Decom North Sea is the single topic, multi region membership organisation which connects capability with opportunity across the oil and gas decommissioning sector.

As a not-for-profit organisation, Decom North Sea is working to enhance knowledge transfer and facilitate collaborative activities to deliver “innovative models” that minimise decommissioning costs, optimising value for operators, national treasuries and other stakeholders. It also works to maximise business potential for its member companies.

With decommissioning spend along being forecast at an estimated £17 billion from 2017 – 2025 (Oil & Gas UK Decommissioning Insight Report 2017), Decom North Sea play a vital role in solution development, cross sector learning and helping to build supply-chain capability.

Santane Limited
SANTANE Limited is an independent Technical Consulting, Technological & Resourcing Solutions Company with headquarters in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Our operations are spread globally and provide core expertise in Engineering Services and Technical/Technological Solutions for Energy, Marine, Oil & Gas, Automotive, and Engineering Sectors.

Santane provides the following solutions for the Late Life Extension and Decommissioning projects:

  • Facilities Life Extension Studies;
  • End of field Life Strategy and Remedial Measures;
  • Comparative Analysis;
  • Reliability / Availability analysis (Failure Analysis);
  • Fitness for Service Assessments;
  • Obsolescence Management;
  • De-manning Studies and Plan;
  • Safety Critical Elements / Performance Standards Review;
  • Environmental & Integrity Management, &
  • Technical Safety Reviews.

Please get in touch with us as or at +44 131 2255677 if you need our support on your Late Life Extension and Decommissioning projects.